Thursday, November 4, 2010

Meet Denzel: NHS class of 2011

Denzel and I had a chilly day to take pics....
And I took him to some odd places to take them,
hahahaa! I told him that this first one would look
completely different than the actual background
we were using.....and I told him that if she shared
my locations, I would find him. hahaha!
On a serious note, Denzel is hoping to become
an anesthesiologist after graduation. I'm telling
you, these kids have it together these days. Most
of them know what they want to be when they grow
up.....I just figured it out in 2007. :)
Denzel, thanks so much for spending some time
with me and my lens. I had a great time with
you and Lynette and can't wait to hear about
all of your accomplishments!!

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