Thursday, July 8, 2010

I'm back and busier than ever!

We just returned from a vacation in Georgia.
We went and visited our friends who live
right outside of Atlanta and had so much
fun! We have four kids, they have four kids,
we took one of our dogs and they have two..
we all stayed in one house together.....and
we survived! AND it was FUN!!! :)
Anywhoo, I have been busy since I came
back and have a crazy schedule for the
rest of summer! I have been photographing
local celebrities for a charity and cannot wait to
share the pics with you later when the site is live.
For now, I want to share with you the beautiful
Miss Hannah. She is the current Jr. Miss Apple Festival.
She is such a poised and sweet young lady. We took these
photos on the hottest day EVER! We were sweating bullets!
I don't know how Hannah still looks so beautiful! Mom & I, well,
thank goodness I was holding the camera! LOL! Along with
her title, she has also started a program to help young
children learn to read! How incredible is that?
The program is called Dash to Read! Check it out at

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