Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Jungle Woman

Today I worked at my Accounting job from 8-5. When I left, I ran to Martin's and bought groceries & came home to eat dinner with my hubby & kids...grilled chicken & baked beans..mmm! Afterwards, I took the boys outside to play football and blow bubbles with Kendall. Soon enough, they ventured on to bike riding and pulling the wagon around....SO, I started pulling some weeds out of our landscaping....and that's what started it....Oh my, I must say that I am so happy my hubby loves me....I think I scare him sometimes :) He has laid down for a nap numerous times and woke up to a freshly painted room that I decided to do at the spur of the moment. Tonight, as he walked outside to check on us, his mouth dropped and he walked around the yard for a few min in shock.......and then said, "hey Jungle Woman!" What started with me pulling a few weeds, progressed into me cutting down TREE'S with a handsaw...tons of random tree's that we had neglected to take care of when they were just sprouting... Now we have a pile of brush and a big tree top laying in the yard... Are we supposed to burn it? Or is there some service that picks up this mess? My poor hubby, this is what I do to him...start a project, usually a pretty big one...like painting the entire room, but leaving the trim for him to finish.....today, it's brush. I am so glad he loves me :) My neighbor drove through our shared drive and saw me in my work clothes, in the backyard with a hand-saw.....I think he was worried about me...

Anywhoo- I finally went in the house at 9:40pm.....gave the three little ones a bath, took a shower, unpacked three suitcases, put away two baskets of laundry, vaccumed the upstairs, ironed my clothes for tomorrow, read the kids a book, brushed their teeth, brushed my teeth, watched John & Kate Plus Eight with kids til they konked out....10 seconds, got a plate of chips and dip while I watched Kids by the dozen..then got kids clothes out for tomorrow, reloaded the diaper/wipes basket, cleaned up dinner dishes, sliced strawberries & now it is 12:59am and I am sitting down to edit pics......I just realized what gave me all of this energy.....a friend of mine, Sharon, gave me a Starbuck's card today & when I got groceries, I bought a VENTI Mocha Frapp......I think I need one of these EVERY night! Thanks Sharon!

This brush pile came from behind the shed...if you look closely, you will see the tree stump sticking out, waiting for Carey to remove....

I guess it is not really a tree stump...it's more like a tree trunk...Sorry Honey!

This pile was growing in the middle of the bush on the lefthand side of the pic....

My Hubby & I are not real avid gardners...I am allergic to bee's & he attracts poison ivy just by looking at it...so together, there is no hope for my yard. My Mom is a fantastic gardner & although she babysits for the kids, she has taken on our laundry vs our gardening...

God Bless her soul!

She will be proud of my accomplishments tonight :)

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