Saturday, June 18, 2011


I can't believe the third week of June is here.... Time has flown already and I
have so much more I want to do with my kids, my family, my health.

There has been a lot going on so far for us. Our kids are changing schools.... from
one that we adore, to one that we pray will be a great opportunity for them.
The school they will be attending is one that I did in during my elementary years.
The school is being revamped, as it's last updates may have been when I was there...
a few years ago. The projects are completely volunteer-based, so we have done a
some of that so far and are looking forward to seeing what our community can do!

We've also been on the home stretch of baseball and dance recital's....We had 7 games
this week...two concession duties, three Meals on Wheels deliveries and I kept my
God-daughters here with me for the week. Yeah, it's been a little busy :)

Today, in my free-time, I spent my morning with Little Miss Emily....
A true slice of heaven. One of the most precious aspects of my *job*
are not only holding the babies...but seeing Mom & Dad get so excited
during the session.... Laura & Brent were so sweet to watch. Emily is
there second little girl & they couldn't be happier.

This gorgeous pic includes a scarf from Niles Styles,
located downtown Niles, MI.

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