We've had a few visitors over the past week...
My daughter, Kendall(5), said, "Mommy!!
He is so cute! He has a mohawk like Caiden's,
only it's made out of cranberries!" Totally
made my day! Also made it hard to get this shot
with my macro lens... I was laughing so hard I
could barely stand still :)

I bought a macro lens a few months ago and have
been dying to get out and USE it! I finally made
some time in the wee hours of the morning....
I never realized how much detail was in the middle
of a gerber daisy! Looks like a party in there!

Not sure why, but this pic makes me think of reproduction...
I know, very strange, I can't explain it. :) Thought it
was neat that there is a spider web across it though.
Maybe that's it....the web, waiting to "catch" something?
Hahaha, it's late, I'm delirious.....I'm sure I spelled that wrong too :)

My son, Adison, finds everything with hearts....and he
always says, "I heart you Mom." Now, I see them
everywhere too and I always think of him...such a sweetie.
1 comment:
Gorgeous pics Lori...why not come out "here" and take some of mine...I would love it!!!!
Okay I am not liking my word verification...not funny, not funny at all...ask me later :>)
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