Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's been awhile.....

I can't believe it's been over a week
since I've posted...... My husband
recently had surgery and has had some
medical issues related to it that we have
been dealing with. I really appreciate my
clients, as they have been very patient
with galleries, blogposts, and return
phone calls/emails....Thanks so much to
all of you who have been so understanding.
Good news is, he is on the road to recovery!
I have so much more to post, but wanted
to share some awesome pics I was able to
take of Alex and Christine. It's funny because
neither of them were really excited to have
them taken....just getting them done for Mom.
Well, fortunately, I try to make my sessions
fun for everyone and I was happy to hear that
they were pleasantly surprised :)
Thanks to both of you for choosing me to
be a part of something special in your lives.
I had so much fun with both of you and Alex's
Mama. You both did such an incredible job, I
think your pics speak for themselves!

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