This post is about my oldest daughter, Ally.
She has Juvenile Diabetes & she is counting on
all of us to help find a cure.....
I remember one of the first years that we participated in
the walk, Ally was so excited.....only afterwards she was
sad and when I asked her what was wrong, she said, we didn't
raise enough money for a cure? I realized then that she was so
exicted because she thought she would be cured that day....that
our efforts "bought" her freedom from poking her finger and
taking shots. It broke my heart for her and because she thought
we had not done a good enough job raising funds....and every day
that she lives with this life-threatening disease, it breaks my heart.
I know that the day a cure is found, Ally will just scream
with joy and cry with relief.... I want YOU to be there when her
prayers are answered.
We are trying to have our biggest team ever this year!
If you would like to join, please visit:
JDRF and search for team SUGARBUZZ.
If you cannot walk, please consider giving an
online donation or attending our Crop til you drop
Pages in Time, Sat., 8/23 from 9am-9pm.
We are also looking for Corporate sponsors to list
on our team t-shirts, please contact me for details.